
Speeches given

Laboratory of Experimental Museology – eM+

Kenderdine, Sarah. Meeting Sarah Kenderdine: Digital museology in the age of experience. Speech at Cinécran, Crans-Montana, September 8, 2022.

Kenderdine, Sarah. Computational museology: futures for inclusive museums. Plenary speech and panel discussion at ICOM 2022, Prague, August 20-28, 2022.

Kenderdine, Sarah. Computational Museology: Interfaces to Cultural (Big) Data. Keynote speech at Museums Without Wall, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada, August 15-17, 2022.

Kenderdine, Sarah. Computational Museology: Interfaces to Cultural (big) Data. Opening keynote at Archiving 2022, Paris, June 7, 2022.

Moving Images: Preservation, Curation, Exhibition – ASCA

Fossati, Giovanna. Digital Curation in Practice. Digital Curation in the program of the Summer School “Digital Archives. Data Literacy and Presentation Strategies in Audiovisual Archives”, Film University Babelsberg, September 8, 2022 – keynote lecture.

Fossati, Giovanna. Musei del cinema e nuovi media. Università di Torino, June 2022 – invited lecture.